New Regulation (EU) 2019/1381 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of June 20, 2019
After almost 17 years, the Food Safety Framework Regulation in Europe, Regulation 178/2002, is amended for the first time. With the main objective of increasing transparency in regulation and information on food safety.
Establishing the general principle of risk analysis, a security system that dissociated responsibility for risk assessment and risk management, creating the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as an independent agency for scientific risk assessment in the food chain.
On the other hand, the regulation established the general principles in food safety that have served as the basis for all subsequent legislative development, shared responsibility, official controls, APCC, traceability, as well as information and management procedures in case of Food security emergencies.
The essential elements of the proposal are:
- Greater transparency, with immediate and automatic access of citizens to all non-confidential information related to the security presented by the industry in the risk determination process. Within the framework of this objective, it creates a common European register of studies commissioned by companies requesting an authorization and makes the consultation of interested parties and citizens on such studies mandatory.
- Possibility of EFSA requiring further studies, at the request of the Commission and from the Union Budget
- Increased participation of the member states in the governance structure of EFSA and in its scientific technical commissions.
- Strengthening of the communication of risk to citizens through common actions to raise awareness and understand scientific opinions and risk determination decisions.
Published on September 6, for more information you can consult the regulation here