We have just added a new product, Nano Zinc Oxide for cosmetics use.
Nano zinc oxide is an advanced type of ZnO, which currently ranks among the most in-demand nanomaterials. The growing interest of nano ZnO is due to its unique functional properties.
Selected functional properties of nano ZnO:
- Antimicrobial
- Antifouling
- Vulcanizing
- Anticorrosive
- UV-protective (photo-)catalytic
- Electrical (semiconductor, piezoelectric and pyroelectric material)
- Dermatological
- Optical, and others (drying, hardening, and netting agent, improve physical-mechanical properties of the final nanocomposite, etc.)
Potential applications of nano ZnO:
For the coating industry:
Use on Multifunction transparent additive for the antimicrobial, antifouling, photoprotective, anticorrosive behavior, properties that accelerate lacquer hardening, improve physical-mechanical properties (e.g. hardness)
Own tests in water-borne, solvent-borne and powder coating systems
Plastics and silicones
Antimicrobial, photoprotective, anti-flammable properties (medical plastics, food packaging etc.)
Filters, membranes, textiles
Reduction/elimination of irreversible biofouling, increase of lifetime, improving physical-mechanical properties (e.g. thermal stability)
Rubber industry
Ecological replacement of bulk ZnO − dosage decrease to 25 % of the original amount of ZnO
High purity from the perspective of heavy metal content
Better dispersibility, positive effect on aging, adhesion improvement
UV filter – transparent sunscreens
For more information about this product send us an email at info@corquimia.com